Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Stop: Bentleyville, PA

We came upon this bucolic farm scene just outside
of New Egypt, NJ. I love the clouds just above the
trees. The weather was perfect and the sky so blue.

We stopped in Breezewood, PA for lunch where there
was a quaint shop right inside. Bill bought this
tapestry. I purchased a smaller version for myself.

A close up of the tapestry.

I just had to try a shot of going through one of the
tunnels on the PA turnpike!

One of many pleasant countryside scenes.

Tom, the Cowboy, greets hotel guests upon their
arrival in Bentleyville, PA.

This is a shot of California University of PA, where Bill
graduated a few years ago. The Monongahela River
flows right by the University.

Imagine placing this picture to the left of the one
above, and you would have a nicely shaped
horse shoe. The Monongahela River flows
by the town of Newell.

You knew I just had to have an artsy fartsy picture
somewhere along the way! No, the moon is not quite a
full moon, but I thought it was fascinating.
Don't forget, you can click on these photos
to enlarge them.

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