Saturday, August 23, 2008

National Bison Range, MT

Entrance to the National Bison Range located
80 miles south of Glacier National Park.
Look at my shirt.

A view of wheat and alfalfa fields located outside
the bison range. The buffalo are fenced in to
keep them away from the good food.

This is a bull buffalo.

A herd of 25 American bison.

This huge plain was once the bottom of Glacial Lake
Missoula. It broke 15,000 years ago and the flood
scarred the land from western Montana to the
Pacific Ocean. You will see the results in later pictures.

A pair of prong-horned antelope.

Here we have a bull elk resting in the shade
during the hot afternoon.

Buffalo enjoy a good dust bath that helps control
parasites. It feels good, too.

Bill by a collection of deer and elk horns found
in the bison range over the last few years.

When things go wrong there are only three words that will
sum it up: Oh, Buffalo Scat!!!!

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