Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Great Mesa, CO

We took a ride to the Great Mesa in Colorado.
This Mesa is the largest in the world.
Yes, that is snow you see!

A little more snow as we climbed a bit higher.
I have always wanted to see Colorado in the
snow and today I got my wish.

We hit some really foggy areas and almost
turned around, but did not.  So glad I was
not the one driving.

How often do you see a sign like this?
On this road trip we have seen dozens.

Just enjoy the beauty.

The combination of the snow and fog give
the impression this is a black and white
photo with a touch of gold from the aspens.

The mountains can be unstable.
Here you can see a recent rock slide
with the pines in the back under the snow.

The highest point is about 10,800 feet.

The snow really started to come down as we
came upon Cobbett Lake.  This truly was
a gem of an adventure for us today!

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