Today we spent almost four hours in the caverns.

Because neither Bill nor I are geologists,
we will refrain from making geological interpretations.
So just enjoy the pictures.

The formation on the upper right is called
"Lion's Tail"

It's nice and cool in here.
It is a constant 56 degrees.
It was 100 outside.

An interesting formation!

What do you mean? The man pulling the oxygen tank
passed us again? I know we are slow, but this
is ridiculous!!

The drip, drip, drip of water into Mirror lake.

Bill wanted me to tell you to note
the large blue formation he is carrying
with him!

Oh, guano!
These are the droppings of bats
found in the bat cave.
Let's get out of here, Batman!

We decided NOT to take the short cut, but
rather walked the full 1.5 mile loop.
I wish we had brought a flashlight.

Beginning of stalagmites on the cavern floor.
Stalactites grow from the ceiling down
in places a hundred feet over our heads.

This large formation has been smoothed
by constantly dripping water.

"The Doll House"
It was a small side grotto.
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