Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wall, SD

This is the Missouri River at Chamberlain, SD.
The bridge in the background is partly submerged
by the flooding.

The new I-90 bridge which is higher.
Look in the distance and you will see
flooded trees.

A resting dragon fly.

The sign says it all. Make lots of noise when
walking along paths.

The changing topography of the land
after crossing the Missouri River.

Wheat fields follow the contours of the land.

A cow nursing her calf.

Yes! I made it back here again!!

Enjoy the following pictures of the Badlands.

My daughter, Donna, taught me how to use my
tripod and timer on the camera.
I also was able to shoot a 19 second video
using the tripod.
Thanks, Donna! You're a great teacher!!

A resident of a prairie dog town.

A departing shot of the Badlands, where the
temperature hit 105 degrees and I took
over 50 photos in the park.

Bill posing on the jackelope, a combination of a
jack rabbit and antelope, outside Wall Drug.

My blog fans know I adore John Deere machinery.
Here you see a harrow raking hay to dry it
and put it into collectible rows.

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