Friday, May 16, 2014

Mississippi River Delta, LA

This is the Mercedes Benz Superdome in
downtown New Orleans taken while sitting
in traffic on 90 west.

They are putting the final touches on a universal
cargo transport.  This is on the Mississippi River
just south of New Orleans.

One of the main flood gates built into the levees
to control the flow of water.

Because the water table is so high, people are
buried above ground.

Here is a beautiful school in Plaquemines
Parish on Rt. 23.

Bill is standing on top of the levee with the
Mississippi River behind him at Fort Jackson.

Here is a sampling of the yellow helicopters
that are used to transport thousands of workers
to the oil rigs in the Gulf.  The company you
see here is Petroleum Helicopters, Inc.

A pair of swamp cedars.

A great white heron in a cedar tree.

This is part of a typical swamp bayou.  It is rich
in fish, birds and other animals (including

Targas Resources.
There are several major refineries in the area.

The tug boat is used to move barges.

Many people told us that the trip to the
southernmost tip of Louisiana would be
quite boring unless you liked fishing or
hunting.  We found it very interesting.
It was just over 80 miles each way.  The
people of this part of Louisiana are suffering
just like those whose lives were touched
by Sandy.

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